We’ve put together 10 scary good tips to keep your pets safe & sound this Howloween. Let’s jump right in!
1. Keep candy away from your pets. Chocolate, for one, can be fatal to your cat or dog! They don’t need sugary treats. Your love and affection and words of praise are the best goodies around.
2. Never ever leave your pets in the yard on Halloween. Bring your dog in. Never leave your cat to fend for itself outside on a night with streams of people coming and going. Some nice, some not. Just bring everybody inside, which brings us to….
3. Keep your pets inside, away from the front door. It’s best to keep them confined to their own room for the evening while you’re answering the door to trick or treaters. Escape attempts, unexpected aggression…none of these are treats on Halloween.
4. Glow sticks and your pets do not go together. “Back in my day” we didn’t trick or treat with glow sticks; this seems to be a new thing; but nevertheless, please keep them away from your four-legged companions.
5. Pumpkins, gourds, and decorative corn spell trouble for your pets. Eating moldy pumpkins or ears of corn can cause serious gastrointestinal distress.
6. Kitty & Fido should stay away from lit jack-o-lanterns and vice versa. A knocked-over lit pumpkin could spell disaster! Your precious pets run the risk of getting burned. A fire could break out. I shudder to think what could happen…
7. Electric and battery-operated decorations are festive but could be fatal curiosities to your pets. Chewed cords could result in electrical shock or burn, and batteries can cause chemical burns or blockage.
8. Some pets don’t mind costumes, some dig it, and some hate it. Please do be aware and considerate of your pets’ preferences and dress them up only if they’re ok with it.
9. And if your pet will be dressing up for Halloween, try the costume on before Halloween to make sure it fits properly and safely. Do trial runs where your pet wears it for short periods of time to make sure it’s totally cool come time for the costume parade.
10. Identification is key! Microchipping is a must, any day of the year. Some city animal controls and some wonderful rescues offer discounted microchipping on a certain schedule. Collars and tags are ideal. Keep that info up to date so you and your furry best friend never get separated.
From Opurrations Manager Alecia, my lucky black cats, and everyone here at For the Love of Cats!