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Save your Christmas tree and your cat

It's important to remember that pets require extra supervision during the most wonderful

time of the year—especially around that pet-tempting, fully-decked Christmas tree. In order to prevent super curious cats from mistaking the holiday tree for a new scratching post, you're going to have pull out all the stops with alternative decorating techniques, cat-repelling odors, and maybe even a little chicken wire. Cat-proofing the Christmas tree isn't just about vanity—some of the items on your tree can be very dangerous when ingested. And no one—especially your cat wants to do the countdown to Christmas from the vet's office.

It's time to ditch the traditional tinsel. While it's not exactly toxic, it's also not easily digested. So when your cats eat tinsel, it can become an obstruction under their tongues or in their tummies, If that happens, you'll be spending all your Christmas money on emergency surgery. Best to go with paper garland instead.

Spraying a few pine cones with apple cider vinegar and placing them at the base of the tree. "Cats generally hate the scent and will likely avoid the area

Did you know that cats don't fancy the smell of oranges? It's true. So take advantage of their aversion by eating an orange and placing the orange rinds beneath the tree.

One of your cat's main reasons for the season is pawing at your glass ornaments, simply secure them to branches with wire or twine

In addition to being fun to play with, cats also like to sample the water. Unfortunately, pine oils can be harmful, so you need to restrict access by covering the opening with aluminum foil or chicken wire then a tree skirt to make it look like you have a perfectly behaved cat.



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