March is Poison Prevention Month
This is a reminder that pets are vulnerable and susceptible to accidental ingestion of potentially life-threatening common items in the home.
The #1 cause of poisoning for cats and dogs is prescription drugs!! If you drop your pill on the floor, please find it because your dog or cat will!!
The Pet Poison Helpline is 1-800-213-6680
Pets are curious and often can’t resist smelling, tasting and sometimes swallowing foods, plants and other items in our homes that interest them.

Poison-proofing your home is important. Taking simple steps such as making sure your houseplants are non-toxic and storing medications in secure areas will significantly reduce the chances that your dog or cat will come in contact with a toxic substance.
Pet Poison Helpline has simplified the process of identifying potentially poisonous situations by categorizing them by room or area in which they reside.
We suggest protecting your pets by poison-proofing your home, room by room, as follows.:
Lilies, Ivy, Creeping Charlies, Mistletoe, Philodendron, Azaleas, Poinsettia, Crocus, Oleander, Kalanchoe, Sago Palm Daffodils, Dieffenbachia, Lilies of the Valley. Tulips and Hyacinths, Cactus.
Raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts, onions, garlic, unbaked yeast bread dough, fatty foods and chocolate.
Keep pets out of the room while using bathroom cleansers or other cleaning products, and close toilet lids to keep them from drinking the water, especially if you use automatic chemical tank or bowl treatment. Keep cleaning products in a protected place away from pets.
When using insecticides in your home or on your pets, read the label carefully. Never use flea and tick products meant for dogs on your cat, as they may cause tremors and seizures.
Keep pets off lawns until commercially sprayed herbicides are dry. Keep insecticides, lighter fluid and antifreeze in a protected place away from pets. Use a child-proof door lock to prevent your curious cat from opening the doors.
If you think your pet may have ingested something harmful, take action immediately. Contact your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline at 1-800-213-6680. Pet Poison Helpline is the most cost-effective animal poison control center in North America charging only $39 per call; this includes unlimited follow-up consultations. Pet Poison Helpline just released a native app, or a mobile friendly version of its website. If you have a smart phone, be sure to add Pet Poison Helpline’s native app to your home screen for pet safety tips and information at your fingertips.