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Help! Why is My Cat Urinating on My Bed?

Has your cat started peeing in places that they shouldn’t like outside of their litter box, on personal items or even worse, on your bed? There can be many reasons behind why your furry friend has picked up this unpleasant habit and we are here to provide you with possible explanations and tips so you and your cat can go back to living in a happy household together.

Health Problems

A common reason cats urinate outside of their litter box is due to bladder problems like infection or inflammation. Therefore, it may be time to make an appointment with your vet to see if your cat is experiencing a health issue. Your cat’s health is a priority and when they start to show signs of a possible problem or behave in ways that are unlike themselves, you should immediately make a call to your vet.

Dirty Litter Box

Once you rule out health issues as the reason, the next thing you should check is how clean their litter box is. Cats are very clean animals and like us humans, they too deserve to have a clean bathroom to use multiple times a day. If their litter box is not getting cleaned regularly, they may start to find other places to do their business, like on your bed. Litter boxes should be cleaned daily and replaced weekly depending on the type of litter and box you use. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with the maintenance, consider researching automatic litter boxes.

Changes in the Household

Cats tend to be very anxious animals by nature. Have you had a recent change in your household like someone new moving in, spending less time at home or a new pet? Cats are used to a predictable lifestyle and even a small change can cause them to experience stress or anxiety. Try spending some extra quality time with your furry friend to help make them feel comfortable and safe.

Getting a cat to stop urinating on your bed or other household items will take time and commitment. Consider trying these helpful tips:

• Provide your kitty with a welcoming and clean litter box that they will love and want to come back to when needing to do their business.

• Clean and wash the affected area so your cat won’t return to the smell and want to repeat this behavior.

• Spend some time playing with your furry friend on the bed and provide them with treats to deter them from going to the bathroom on the place they receive their yummy treats.

• Most important, stay patient! Cats do not respond to yelling or any sort of harsh punishment, so please stay calm and patient with them.

Changing a pet’s behavior can take a lot of time and patience so please stay committed and hopefully some of these tips and explanations can help you and your cat go back to living in harmony together.

If you need help or more suggestions, please feel free to contact us! 239-642-8674,



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